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Access to and use of this site (this site refers to and and shall be reffered to as this site) is subject to the following terms:


 By using this site you agree to be legally bound by these terms, which shall take effect immediately on your first use of this site. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following terms please do not access and/or use this site.



All information on this site is in a brief and very condensed format and is not supposed to be definitive. The information is gathered from various sources with degrees of difference so what is felt as the general concensus is represented here.

This site and all of it's intellectual property ( information, ideas, pictures or anything else contained on this site) remain the property of the owner. No unauthorised copying or reproduction in part or whole without permission.

While this site tries to uphold common decency there maybe times when offense is caused (example; someone leaves a rude message on the message board- which is open to everyone but is screened as much as possible). This site and its owner cannot beheld responsible for anything that slips through the net. You are an adult if you don't like it what you see, you can always go else where. If your not an adult then your parents/guardians are responsible for you not this site.

By using/visiting this site you agree;

1) Not to break the law of copyright (by copying anything in part or whole from this site).

2) Not hold us/this site/its owner responible for anything (example ; you see something you take offense to).

All terms and condition can be changed at anytime and without prior notice.

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