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A Brief History of Karate

Karate was developed from a synthesis of indigenous fighting methods, such as  Chinese kempo and concepts from classical Japanese martial arts. Karate is known primarily as a striking martial art, which  involves punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes and open handed techniques. A practitioner of  karate is called a karateka.  There are many components to modern karate training. One common division is between the areas of basics or fundamentals, forms, and sparring.  Also art, sport, and self defense training.

Competition Rules

The opponants will wear white karate Gi, one will wear a red belt and the other will wear a white belt.


Where protective equipment is used the following is applicable


Mitts are mandatory

Shin/instep protectors are fnot allowed.

Gumshields are mandatory.

Groin protectors are mandatory for men.

Chest protectors are mandatory for women.


Referees and Judges

Chief Referee, Referee, Judge, Corner Judges and Jury Table Judge.  The cheif referee has ultimate responsibility to make such that the rules and regulations are adhered to.  

The referee, conducts the matches, the refere will announce the decision of the panel of Judges, explain grounds on which such decisions are awarded, announce fouls, issue warnings either before or after the match, take other disciplinary action, obtain advice from Corner Judges, deciden a victory by majority and to extend the duration of the match.

Corner Judges role is to assist the referee. Thet assist the referee by giving their opinion regarding different situations, they will signal their judgement regarding the conduct and development of matches by means of flags, hands and/or whistle.

Table Judge are the appointed as score-keeper, time-keeper and caller-announcer to the jury table.

The Jury Table Judge is responsible for the official result of the match.

Main Organisations

Karate Techniques

Karate Gradings

Karate includes punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes and open handed techniques. It also includes some, grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints/traps, throws and vital point striking also appear in karate.

Belt progression as follows


1st Red belt

2nd Yellow belt

3rd Orange belt

4th Green belt

5th Blue belt

6th Purple belt

7th Brown belt 1

8th Brown belt 2

9th Brown belt 3

10th Black belt

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